
Your Commonbase is a zero stress solution to storing, searching, and sharing knowledge.

Maybe This is You

Have you ever felt like you constantly lose notes between paper, five different notes apps on your phone and computer, napkins and sticky notes scattered across your house and office?

Do you feel like you can never find what you’ve written down?

Or perhaps, have you invested immense amounts of effort in a note taking system in a software like Notion or Obsidian to find that the system becomes too much work to be worth continued use?

Do you feel anxiety setting in whenever you need to add a new note because of all the tags you’ll need to apply to it to find it later?

How Your Commonbase is Different

Your Commonbase is not a direct replacement for note taking. It has its own user interfaces — multiple, in fact — but it does not live solely in one medium.

Your Commonbase is a meta-companion for your knowledge. Your Commonbase is a data structure that solves knowledge management and transfer between individuals and their machines.

The Deeper Point

The problems listed above (losing notes, system overload) are actually the same problem in disguise.

Both are problems of scale.

As you add knowledge to a chaotic system, the cost of finding old entries goes up and up. If you own three shirts, finding your favorite going out shirt is trivial. If you own three hundred shirts, well…

As you add knowledge to a rigid system, the cost of adding new entries goes up and up. Any data that looks almost exactly the same as the previous entry will insert easily. Any new, unclassified data will launch an immune response as the system flails about to categorize the data. Where do I hang a single pair of pants in a closet for shirts?

Your Commonbase addresses the problem of scale directly.

Your Commonbase applies structure automatically using vector embeddings, freeing you from having to manage your own taxonomies to your data.

This automatic structure allows you to flow with your information, all while keeping the costs of finding and adding as low as possible.

This freedom allows us to access our deepest point as creative beings, which we will discuss now.