The root API of Stenography is /.

The results from / feed into /autopilot



The core API works on all the major programming languages. The API's purpose is to provide helpful knowledge for a code block to make coding easier.


curl --request POST \\
--url <> \\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\
--data '{
	"code": "[REQUIRED] {...}",
	"api_key": "[REQUIRED] MY_API_KEY",
	"audience": "[REQUIRED] pm"
	"populate": "[OPTIONAL] true",
	"stackoverflow": "[OPTIONAL] true",


"pm": "..."
"metadata": { 
  "language": "..." 
"stackoverflow": {
    "stackOverflowURLs": [
        "question": "...?",
        "url": "<>..."


Try completing against individual functions that follow the Clean Code rules for best results

Like functions, according to Clean Code, classes should also be “smaller than small”. Some people recommend that 200 lines is a good limit for a class – not a method, or as few as 50-60 lines (in Ben Nadel's Object Calisthenics exercise) and that a class should consist of “less than 10” or “not more than 20” methods.